
For EPC project, Kaiser offer full package of service with high quality

Implement integrated management on engineering, procure and construct, to achieve a successful project management
Kaiser's EPC service includes government certificate applications, materials procurement and project construction. Because the construction and management is handled by one company, the quality of the project can be warranted, cost can be reduced, and construction schedule can be shortened.
All Kaiser's EPC projects have been managed on the clients' best interest. We have accumulated many experience and advantages.
Only Kaiser can realize this management method, so that the construction schedule and cost can be controlled effectively, accurately meet clients' desire and requirements.

The special contracting format in factory construction establish Kaiser's unique advantages

It is a big difference in contracting when compared with Chinese and Japanese conventional contracting
In Japan, the conventional contracting is that clients make contract directly with design company (or EPC company, project management company), and then they make sub contracts with each construction companies. EPC company provides management on construction plan, quality management, project management, safety management, etc.
But in China, it is common to have contracting individually. Clients make contract with design company, construction company and supervision company individually. The overall management is done by clients themselves. So there are problems such as delayed construction schedule, difficulties to control project quality, etc.
In addition, after getting contract, many Japanese, European and US in China will subcontract design or supervision services, and employ Chinese domestic construction company to proceed construction work. This adds an addition step to the Japanese contracting method, and increase construction cost accordingly. However, due to coordination difficulty among subcontractors, the capacity of dealing with clients' desire and requirements is lowered.

Kaiser has unique contracting system and advantages
Kaiser Company owns three dependents: design team, construction team and supervision team. So, it can achieve the total management on whole project, and deliver turnkey project service to clients. Total management will achieve better communication and coordination between different departments, which can shorten construction time and reduce project price.( Please refer to Fig.2).
In addition, apart from shortening construction time and reducing project cost, Kaiser Company can also realize Japanese construction quality. After participating in construction planning, fully understanding client's desires and requirements, and making comprehensive comparison for quality, function and cost, Kaiser starts to design and proceed construction.
Standing in the same level as Japanese EPC company, Kaiser Company demonstrate its own glamour and promote EPC service.

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